Plymouth Today

I have a problem when I take the children on field trips to quaint, touristy, historic sites: I do pack our lunch, but I forget to be frugal on everything else!  There is a dearth of yarn stores near me, so I stopped at the one that’s on the way home, and bought yarn to knit hats and mittens, and spent way too much money, not to mention the cups of (really, really good) clam chowder to warm up our insides after our PBJ’s just didn’t cut the sea fog after our walking tour.  I suppose while I’m confessing, I should also mention those cute maple candies shaped like leaves in the gift shop…I just balanced the check book for penance.

Not all was indulgence however; we learned where the phrases: earmarked, raining cats and dogs, and  keeping your ear to the grindstone came from.  We also saw the quick way to lubricate a wooden mill gear: spray it with Pam as it turns.  The boys got very nervous when the miller at the Jenney Grist Mill told about the explosion in 17(50?) that blew up the building – they all edged towards the door when the miller opened the sluice.

My mom is taking us to hear the Providence Singers perform Handel’s Messiah for an early Christmas present.  I had the boys listen to our cd’s of the Messiah as we drove to and from Plymouth to get them used to it- it’s easier for  a 10 year old to sit through an hour and a half performance if the music is familiar.