Short notice TV appearance

Last Summer DH and the boys met a local TV host on one of their Saturday rambles downtown.  The host was intrigued with the F.I.R.S.T Lego team DH was organizing and asked to interview him.  DH suggested that he’d actually get more info out of Mrs G, the tournament organizer, and the host wound up asking both of them and as many boys as were available from the team to come to the studio, only by the time we got the message, it was lunch time of interview day for a 6:45 PM interview!

N, B’s team mate was able to come with B and DH and Mrs G, they
interviewed Mrs G and DH first with the kids out of the studio
(they watched on a monitor in the hall.) 

First the interviewer asked if DH and Mrs G thought the boys could sit silently in the studio during the adult interviewer.  Mrs G said, "No, they can’t." 

The interviewer said," I see
you are a realist,"

 "No," she replied, "I’m a

DH heard B and N making rocket ship noises as they played with Lego in the hall before the sound proof doors closed.  Mrs G was right.

After the adult interview, they set up the table with Lego puzzles, then
had the boys demonstrate the challenge for the cameras as she read it
from the official rules.  B even corrected her when she goofed, I
guess he has become a good lawyer.  Then N and B showed the robot
trying to set off the the first challenge, it worked once, failed another time,
both on camera, then they discussed with Mrs G ways to make it work
more of the time.

DH thinks it was a pleasant, low key experience, and the coverage
should be positive and easy to follow. After it airs on the Attleboro cable,
it will be available on the internet. 

I suggested that B describe the
studio for his paragraph writing exercise, and he actually said, "Why
Mom? the studio was kind of boring."  I guess the host did a good job at
making the boys feel at home!  Maybe writing paragraphs is what is
really boring to him.