We are officially just Gonna Float today

I think K is teething, and having a growth spurt, or else it’s because we all did go to evening church last night, one of our former Sunday School Students was getting baptized, and the deaconesses were having a reception (OH, Deaconess FOOD! YUM!) and the messed up sleep schedules were worth it.  But boy were they ever messed up.

At 2AM K wanted to nurse, then ate cheerios, banana, toast and organic whole milk (usually kept for coffee) then she got changed by DH, then M had a night mare, then K was fussy again.  I hit the pillow again at 4:36AM, DH had meanwhile fallen asleep in M’s bunk after night mare #2.  The 2-4 inches of snow predicted to fall in the Boston area last night is more like 6-8, DH and B dug out our driveway before breakfast.  We are out of bread and milk, K is NOT napping, from the sounds of her protests she has thrown all her blankets, sheets and ducky dolly onto the floor and is working on removing and propelling her clothes.

This morning after wanting to play with my oatmeal spoon and do gravity experiments, I took K off to change her very poopy diaper, and she beat me to it all, finger painting a bit, so she (and I) needed a bath.  After settling her in her crib – sort of- I set a bread sponge out on the kitchen table for M to observe the beginning stages, I planned to bathe and dress and have the guys help me kneed the bread next (the yeasts most likely having made lots of bubbles in the mean time), but on the way to the bathroom I checked my e-mail, and read just one more blog… so time to go work on the other plans of the day My brain is so non-linear after weird nights.

I’d better make it official: we are floating today.  There, when odd things do get done and rational ones don’t, I can still say we were following a plan.

2 Replies to “We are officially just Gonna Float today”

  1. Yes, I get this kind of day, too. I think it would have been this kind of day for us, too, had I not had to have everything done by 10:15 so I could go to work. I'll pray for you today.Grace, grace, grace.
