Nothing like finding out directly:

Henry Cate read an article that there are more girls than boys being homeschooled these days, and decided to do an informal survey to see if it is so.  The comments section are interesting.  He’d really like it if you add your comments and info to his survey.

Since both of my students are boys, we don’t fit that description.  I do remember that there were more young women than young men at Houghton ("a private Christian liberal arts college in a rual setting,") when I was a student, so perhaps families do tend to feel more protective towards their girls than their boys, although the friction from a bad educational fit for a boy in the younger grades seems to me to be a really, really, really compelling reason to homeschool.

 But then, I’m not explaining us, I’m explaining the mythical statistical people out there.  We did have trouble finding play mates for B until we sponcered a Lego club.  M is still looking for playmates even after we did a lego club for him.  So, around here, yes there do seem to be more girls than boys being homeschooled.