What have I been Reading?

What a weird mix (I am taking pain pills this week, but I interlibrary loaned them earlier.)  Mostly from review in Christianity Today and World Magazine.

Angry Conversations with God
by Susan Isaacs – really serious and hysterically funny at the same time.

The Vertigo Years,  1900 – 1914
, by Blom.  Why was I surprised at how depressing this was, it’s called the Vertigo Years after all.

Enough about Grammar, by Joe Floren, much funnier than the history book.

I’m supposed to be studying up on how to teach sight singing and geography, but those books haven’t arrived on interlibrary loan yet.

Oh, and The temperament perspective : working with children’s behavioral styles
  Kristal, Jan.  This must be what that helpful class on Goodness of Fit came from – or at least this sort of stuff. Back when B was a toddler, the tip to help children who are not very comfortable with changes have a warning when it was soon going to be time to leave the playground, kept my neighbors from thinking I beat him when we walked home from the park.  I skimmed the academic parts, and focused on the parenting, school and preschool chapters.  I do like Shepherding your Child’s Heart better for discipline, though.