Day in the Homeschool

I’ve never written one of the day in the life of our homeschool articles, but I plan to, just not in time to link to the roundup this week.  I’m going to borrow B’s MP3 player, and record my observations like a Mom-Spy.  Then I’ll edit it down and type it out. 

But if you have one of these on blog, or can whip one up real fast,  Darcy at Life with My Three Boybarians is collecting them.  I liked the Thinking Mother‘s entry.

We are about to drive over to pick blueberries in Rehoboth, I want to bake another blueberry buckle this Summer, and I’m wondering how K will take to picking blueberries.  Probably M and B will be the great harvesters, but the funny thing is, M finds blueberries more tangy than sweet, and doesn’t like them (yet).

Blueberries are my favorite food, the best are the little wild ones.