I Need Grace this Week

I woke up today at 5AM because K was fussy.  I settled her back in bed (I’m so glad it’s dark at 5AM these days) but could I settle me back down? No. I got up to write lists and think.

But all I could think about was how untidy the floor was.

So, after breakfast, B took K for a walk in the stroller, while M and I picked up his room, put some beloved Bionicle boxes up on display on his display shelves, so they don’t keep falling on the floor because there is no room for them in the trofasts, (Ikea removable shelf/boxes) and then vacuumed.  I know that I’m entering one of those 12 yearly times of stress when I feel that I MUST VACUUM, MUST HAVE ORDER, MUST…

It’s funny how emotionally linked I am to my carpet: no white bits of pilly paper?  I feel serene.  STUFF everywhere?  I feel crazy.  Ask any of my college roomates, lab partners, my Husband, or my Mother: I am not a tidy person, but lately, I must have order.

Yesterday, I HAD TO GARDEN.  I dug up the problematic flower bed, set aside the "iris that wanted to take over the world," separated out the golden day lilies, found most of the camasia bulbs, and a few daffodil and tulips, replanted them in the ‘anything goes’ bed,  dug in some
fertilizer, talked to the passing high school students (I asked them to use quieter voices during Kari’s nap time, to which they added to their loudest companion, or scape goat, "and DON’T CUSS!") then planted the new peach colored Darwin tulips, day lilies and re-emerging oriental poppy, gave away some of the iris, then gave away the rest after supper.  I still have some in the rose bed, where the flowers go beautifully with the leaves of the rosa rubiflolia in June where there are flowers.

I couldn’t help digging up the morning glory, which was the only thing still blooming, but for all the lost beauty, it’s much tidier, which is comforting.

I guess I MUST HAVE ORDER, because Co-op starts this Friday, I haven’t yet printed the charts of what student is where for connecting parents with children in case of fire, loose teeth (long story) or temper tantrums, I haven’t  completely decided what I’m doing with the kids in my frame construction modeling class (AKA Messing About with Drinking Straw Construction by Bernie Zubrowski) or Geography class, although I did go shopping yesterday, and I keep getting e-mails about other co-op classes. This Sunday is the first day DH and I adapt a CEF Bible Club curricula for Sundayschool ages toddler through 5th grade. 

I’m excited about all this, but for some reason, I can’t sleep and I NEED to vacuum (and dig in the garden and have order…)  So, please pray for me –

and the people putting up with me this week!

One Reply to “I Need Grace this Week”

  1. Dear, Christie I feel emotionally attached to your blog because I too have an unhealthy emotional attachment to the state of my carpet. ;-) As funny as I found this post, I truly will be lifting you up! Blessings!!