Plan for Tomorrow

I dread unstructured days – the boy’s expectations climb higher than a hot air balloon and lead to a lot of hot air too.

So I warned them that I plan to have them tidy up the house – find homes for the new belongings (mostly Lego, games and books, that should be do-able!) practice flute, get groceries, and ONCE THAT IS DONE have some free time.

Can you hear me pronouncing that plan?  Imagine a grating voice like a door that needs oil.

Now all I have to do tomorrow is lead by example, because I want to sit down and play with my knitting needles, sewing machine, graph paper, and  Ravelry account…umm, consistency anyone?

One Reply to “Plan for Tomorrow”

  1. Amen. I'm at work tomorrow, but Tuesday is our day of that. We've had friends (6 of them!) here for five days, so there's a lot of putting-things-away to be done, and a lot of detoxing from all the fun-with-no-naps-and-too-many-late-nights.