More on the de-Nazification of my Mitten

I finished the new first version chart today, cast on the mitten tip up so I could test knit it directly (and maybe get a mitten out of the test while I’m at it, by old teal mittens have another hole in them – in a darned spot, so the darns need darning)

I found a pattern in Vogue Knitting International Holiday 1988 called the daisy stitch, which (with a wee modification) will do nicely for my second sort of flower.

So the hexagonal logenge will not longer hold something that looks like a swastica.


One Reply to “More on the de-Nazification of my Mitten”

  1. De-Nazification! Ha! Now you need to find a way to put in something about the formation of the U.N. out of the old League of Nations…