Guest Blog from DH: Cars should not Float.

Yesterday, after work, I left the building, and noticed a woman sloshing
through the parking lot to her blue car, very upset. She was on her cell
phone, with the door open, clearly at a loss of what to do with the
water as deep as it was. I waded out to her to see if I could help, and
2-3 other people from another company in the building also went out

Another lady, in a silver Saturn with 3 kids in the back seat drove into
the parking lot to see if she could offer the first lady a ride. The
lady in the blue car refused; she was waiting for a male friend of hers
to get her. So the lady in the silver car waved, turned around, and
started driving out of the parking lot. However, going out she took a
different path than coming in. She drove the car to the lower side of
the parking lot, and the car got in a little too deep. The car stalled,
and started to float. I could see it turning slowly sideways, bobbing in
the water. The kids in the back seat started screaming. I sloshed over
there to see if I could help. The car came to rest and everyone got out.
Another man helped by picking up one of the kids and carrying her back
to higher ground. The car was full of water up to the door handles, and
it is still there this morning.

Another man in a pickup truck drove in, keeping to the shallow end of
the parking lot, and picked up the woman in the blue car.

The Red Cross taught me years ago, at a rescue scene, don’t become a
victim; don’t become part of the problem. I guess the lady in the silver
Saturn learned this lesson the hard way yesterday!

One Reply to “Guest Blog from DH: Cars should not Float.”

  1. Good Heavens!!! I was reading this thinking it was some sort of April Fool's Day joke!

    I learned that tip long ago…thankfully not from personal experience.