Scope and Sequence for B and M – if you are interested

Instructional Scope and Sequence for B:


B will be assigned portions of both the Old and New Testaments to read.


B will work through several lessons from Feed My Sheep by Barry Stebbing. He may also take an Art Appreciation class at Eagle’s Wings Co-op.


We will fill in blank maps, and other exercises as they come up in the Story of the World Vol 1.


B will study the history of ancient mathematicians and scientist through the Living Math Cycle 1, Unit 1, possibly Cycle 2 Unit 1 as well. He will listen to readings from the Story of the World Vol 1 by Susan Wise Bauer (occasionally he will be the reader for his brother), He will also be assigned readings in the Kingfisher Illustrated History of the World.


The Key-To Press workbooks for measurement, fractions, percents, decimals, algebra and geometry.


Flute lessons with Mrs LeFerrier, Band performance with the Brennan Middle School Band, and the YMCA band at Capron Park.

Nature, Science,

We plan to hike in the local Audubon Sanctuaries, and Technology National Wildlife Sanctuaries, and State Parks. B  has begun to keep a notebook. We will also work in our flower and vegetable gardens. We hope to compete in the F.I.R.S.T Lego League Robotics Competition. We also hope to work through the experiments in several books by Bernie Zubrowski.


Writing Strands 5 by Dave Marks


We have not yet determined if B will take a class at the Good Company Tutorials, or if he will be tutored by his cousin, a certified Spanish Teacher. In either case, his text will be selected by his instructor.

Public Speaking

B’s Lego team must make a presentation to the judges during the competition, he may be the presenter. He will also give Charlotte Mason style narrations to his parents describing his reading.


The Thinking Toolbox, by Hans and Nathaniel Bluedorn.


Exercises in Our Mother Tongue, by Nancy Wilson

Instructional Scope and Sequence for M:


M will continue to listen to daily readings by his Dad and Brother.


M will work through the exercises in I Can Do All Things: A Beginning book of Drawing and Painting by Barry Stebbing, and take a “Nature Crafts,” class at Eagle’s Wings Co-op.

History/ Geography

M will listen to reading from the Story of the Ancient World, color illustrations, and fill in maps. We may read co- lateral geography, biography, and fictional books. We will look at maps especially on field trips or family outings, and when we pray for world events and missionaries at church.


M will continue to practice his handwriting with worksheets from Cursive First by Liz Fitzgerald, and practice writing and dictation by doing copy-work exercises from Writing with Ease, by Susan Wise Bauer. He will also construct lap books in a class at Eagle’s Wings Co-op.


Spell to Write and Read by Wanda Sansori Literature We will continue to read aloud many novels and biographies, especially those that correlate with his history study.


We will follow the mathematical history unit study plans in the living Math web site, Cycle 1, Unit 1, possibly Cycle 2 unit 1 as well, the mathematicians of ancient times. We may supplement the activities with worksheets from Miquon Math, the Red, Blue and Green books (levels 2,3 and 4)


M will study the recorder, using “it’s RECORDER time,” by Alfred d’Auberge, and Morton Manus

Nature, Science, and Technology

We plan to hike in the local Audubon Sanctuaries, and Technology National Wildlife Sanctuaries, and State Parks. We will also work in our flower and vegetable gardens. We hope to compete in the Jr. F.I.R.S.T Lego League Robotics Competition.

2 Replies to “Scope and Sequence for B and M – if you are interested”

  1. Let me know how you like the Recorder curriculum. I’m looking for something, and I’m not sure the Von Trapp Family Recorder Book I used a gazillion years ago is right for my boys…

    • I have the Von Trapp book too! The musical selection in it are much harder much quicker – but also more classic. It’s Recorder Time! has nice big print, introduces musical notation slowly, and is not an intimidating format. It does have some odd proprietary versions of the songs you play with B,A, and G though. It also gets into teacher student duets by the 3rd or 4th page – so that’s nice. I’d like to use the Von Trapp book later – but not with M’s patience levels to start with.