Neighboring Strangers

The windows are cracked, because it’s still warm.   I hear my neighbors who also have their windows cracked, especially the children who all seem to get tired and cranky at predictable times – the same times in fact that my  children do: nap time, just before meals, as they wake up.  I wait when I hear crying, is that K, or the little girl next door on the second floor?  My sense of direction is off in allergy season.

From the sounds of things, there is a lot of daily stress getting the kids out the door to day care, and a lot of Grandmas minding children in mid day – wondering aloud at 1:30PM why the grandchild is so cranky and won’t play nicely.

I wish they all believed in naps, early to bed, and waking their children kindly.

The weird thing is, I don’t know any of their names, some not even faces.