Random Ambitions

K tried to persuade me at breakfast that she was dead, by answering every question with “I dead Momma.”  We just read about the crucifiction this week in her Beginner’s Bible (I read on to the resurrection that night, I’m not good about leaving the kids in suspense.) – she’s also been watching Redwall DVDs from the library with her brothers.  Her vocabulary is getting harder to track, still, I’m not sure where this one came from, or why she tried to convince me of it so hard.

M made a pyramid out of unit blocks this morning while entertaining K so that I could bathe.  It had a booby trap for grave robbers. (Possible lead for vocabulary?)

B plans to make chili tomorrow for a practice run at a chili cook off in Rehoboth next week.  I still haven’t remembered to phone the council on aging to see if a 12 year old can enter their contest.

DH is beginning to write me an Open Office Calc macro to turn a pattern chart into text – I could buy a program for just $40 that does the same thing, but he likes a challenge and I don’t have to pay him ;-)

I just added pictures to my second page here on the blog.  I’ve also added Google Analytics.  Who knew statistics were so interesting?  No wonder Susan Wise Bauer says she gave up reading her Amazon authors stats for Lent one year.