11AM at the Park

The boys are easier to get out the door, so B often unicycles down our hill with M running behind.  He waits at the corner to cross M.  Once K has her shoes on, and I find my watch and keys, we follow.

Last week B unicycled 6 laps around the park.

K walks on every retaining wall.  She points at all the dahlias.  She runs in circles holding each of the young trees on the condo landscaping along the side walk.  When we get to the river walk, she always picks a few grass seed heads, the fluffy kind, to feel and twirl.  “God made these.” She informs me.  Usually adding, “God made me.”

B often greets us at the foot bridge, the ramps are a great unicycling challenge.  Lately K and M have been playing Pooh sticks too, never even getting over to the playground.

Yesterday, K threw her stick off the down stream side, but there were so many sticks coming that she didn’t notice that it wasn’t hers on the upstream side.

One Reply to “11AM at the Park”

  1. This came up in my reader, and I thought, “Oh, I hope she posted photos!” And you did. Thank you. I love the expression on B’s face with the unicycle. And that M has the sam eye scrunched up in both photos. And K’s philosophy. You made my day.