Socializing at Co-op

Usually when the socialization question comes up, the wrinkled forehead of my interrogator  smooths out when I mention co-op.  Rightly or wrongly!  So far the kids have learned to raise their hands when they have a question (M  tries raising his hand at the dinner table to slip in between louder, faster participants in  heated discussions, remarks like: can I have seconds on meatballs or do I really have to eat all my winter squash?).  Lining up for the bathroom, not so much; Ameba shaped mobs by the bathroom, of mostly civil children.  There was a pretty dramatic fist fight last year.

I don’t really see that spending time in a nursery is a must for young kids – sanity for their Moms who might want to teach a class as a creative endevor, yes, help for them, not really.  So it’s funny that the one I see growing is K.   All the kids under 3 wind up in the nursery, with the preschoolers trying out the preschool class bit by bit, coming back to play as needed.  K has been playing along side the other little kids, usually competing with them.  It can be a challenge if the baby-babies are in with the toddlers, they wind up in someone’s arms so they don’t get stepped on.

Last week, little G greeted K by name in circle time.  Although this photo of them hugging is from last year, they  usually run for possession of both of the dollies first (both girls want both dolls)  They each held a doll for most of nursery time.  They usually trade snacks (when the other wasn’t looking) but they were feeding each other this time.  I think they just got old enough to play with each other.  Or perhaps the coaching from the ladies staffing the nursery has sunk in.

K also got to hold a 5 month old on her lap this Friday.  Usually she is too busy being our baby to notice babies.  When we got home, she drew an oval on a piece of construction paper.  “This baby Momma.” She informed me, snuggling the paper in her arms.

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