It’s All Hard – my new responce to “How can you Ever Manage it all…with Homeschooling?”

Waking little kids up from naptime to pick up a sibling at school is hard.

Tutoring your older child at home while your toddler plays play dough is hard (especially if they get bored easily and slip away quietly on who knows what mischief mission).

Guiding a teen at school away from you is hard.

Giving a teen at home respectful space is hard (although when they are home, they are handier for chores, just saying)

Picking a curriculum is hard.  Deciding when to switch curriculum is hard.  So is helping a child with homework when you can’t change the curriculum and it doesn’t suit their brain.

Spending enough time with your little kids while focusing on your older kids’ tutoring is hard.

I don’t know what it’s like to have older kids away from home during school hours, I’ve never done it.

I’ve just gotten used to this way of doing my kids’ education, it’s more a lifestyle choice now than an education one.

And of course, I don’t do it all.  My  house is chronically messy, I don’t do seasonal decorations, we eat pbjs and leftovers for lunch daily, and I don’t do as much cute sewing and knitting for them (or me!) as I dreamed I would before I had kids. There are probably other corners I’m cutting that I don’t notice.  Some activities and luxuries got sacrificed intensionally so I could do what was important to me, other things slipped away and I just didn’t notice them.