Anticipatory Disarray

B is finishing his part of the poster, and occasionally tweaking the robot program, when he’s not daydreaming.  The F.I.R.S.T Lego League Tournament in RI is tomorrow. DH is a bit frazzled, I found a To-Do List with what I thought were 15 items, until I lifted the sock from on top of it and saw the 15 were to pack – only 5 things to do before tonight as well as working full time at the lab.

Tonight DH will stay up late helping to set up the gym.  I will drive over to the North Attleboro Stop and Shop to pick up a donation for the volunteer’s lunch tomorrow (Thank you Stop and Shop).  I’m planning to bake yummy things for  my guy’s picnic lunch and for them to share with the team – but we’ll see how that goes.  If time is short, I’ll buy them peacan sandies at Stop and Shop.

The older guys will leave at 5AM tomorrow to drive to the meet.   K (and chaffing M who has to wait 2 years before he can join the robotic league)  and I will get a ride in Mom’s car later.  We’ll stay to cheer as long as K behaves, and Mom’s prosthetic ear implant doesn’t hurt her too much in the crowd noises.

Is it worth it?  The team was not particularly organized, focused or united this year.  I think their bodies were putting all their umph into growing – they are all taller than me now accept B who is just a hair shorter.  I don’t expect any awards really.  But the boys had other tech-y guys to hang out with, and were regularly in a lab.  I’ve read that just visiting a lab makes kids more likely to take and finish harder science classes in college.  And B keeps telling me interesting tid-bits about nerves.

As F.I.R.S.T. says, “What we learn is more important than what we win.”

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