JFLL 2011

M wrapped it up this way, “It’s as if Daddy had worked really hard, and his boss had yelled at him, and he finished his project, but he didn’t get paid,” because after all that work, M came down with stomach flu, and had to stay at home while DH and the team went on without him.  (DH’s boss doesn’t yell by the way!)

I didn’t feel like writing it up, but really, in a team activity, the team goes on, and represents you, so I do want to celebrate their work!

Here is an Attleboro Patch story of the kid’s work.  It takes a while to download, but here is the Channel 10 video (with one of M’s team mates speaking in the end!)

getting ready for meetings got the lego collection organized

It even inspired B to get his collection organized

(B OK’ed the goofy photo)

During the meeting, B played Settlers of Catan with M’s teammates’ family

And K played nicely with G, her traditional rival for the twin dollies in the co-op nursury.  They are growing up!

All meetings started with snack, not always this nutricious though.

Mr Swallow from church dropped by to show the kids his mobile x-ray machine, and the office that fits in his car. The team made a mini model of an x-ray machine and adapted a van from the kit from FLL this year.

The kids disciplined themselves to build a recognizable model instead of just playing with the pieces, and did learn about x-rays!

DH brought M’s medal and certificate home, and the other kids did well too.  I’m proud of them.