Packing Lunch

Now, I know that lots of my friends have the lunch packing habit down pat – but I only do this for special occasions, and unfamiliar things before 8AM make me nervous.  At least I have a pretty picnic basket to pack the pbjs in.

Today is the first day of Stanford Achievement Testing for B.  I just turned his lights on to help him wake up.  His alarm has gone off, and M is making Legos (with sound effects) in their room, but I figured a little Mom action would help. He packed his #2 pencils yesterday, with ruler, calculator, and white plastic eraser, book to read if he finishes a section early, and SNACKS.  I printed out the first section of my new pattern to test crochet while we are at the gym with the other families.

Every year, I think to myself, I’ll sign B into the care of another Mom, take M and K home and do school.

Every year I wind up chatting with the other moms and staying.

I could call it networking, I guess, I always do pick up some book suggestions and tips, usually scrawled in my knitting notebook.