They actually found the needle in the lawn (haystacks are made of grass, right?)

The guys made their needle finding apparatus Sunday evening.  K made one too, but hers was non-functioning as she strung her new hairbrush on a piece of yarn.  Dan’s was the most impressive with 4 former hard drive magnets mounted on a piece of scrap wood.

M and B’s were both from broken microwaves on a nylon braid.

B had the honor of actually finding the needle – he heard something click when Dan walked over it, came back with his magnet, and found it.

So, B’s hearing may not be able to detect a pin drop at 10 feet, but he can hear a needle jump.

Phew.  I won’t worry about whoever mows the lawn now.

Now, is  there some way to characterize this as homeschooling…

2 Replies to “They actually found the needle in the lawn (haystacks are made of grass, right?)”

  1. Now THAT is an interesting project.
    And yes, teens do have selective hearing.
    And that is ok.
    Hugs to all!!