Prattsville Trip; Guest Post by Ben

I needed a blog post; I’ve been running a bit dry of ideas lately.  I knew Ben (B is Ben, he’s old enough to have a name on the blog now.) I knew Ben had just gotten back from his trip to Prattsville with some new muscles, perhaps stories?  I bribed him to write a post by switching it with a writing assignment.  Then I edited it with him (mostly).  It was cooler in it’s original, but a bit cryptic.

The portion of the group that traveled together from our house

The prisoners (plural) in their last picture before their death by itchiness.

here's a foundation, where is the house?

Its not in the picture, but there is an open house sign next to the basement.

That's where it went

This is the rest of the house, it is at least 50 feet from its original place.

Imagine watching your neighbor’s house going through your backyard (hey it’s trespassing on our property!)

This is the house we worked on (on the inside.)(We need a before and after picture.)

rainy day at Huntersfield Christian Training Center

It was never too hot over there in Prattsville or Huntersfield where we slept.

Enjoying the rain

That looks like fun (especially running downhill.)

what happened to B's new workboots

Is there something dragging under my boot?…OH.

Sunny Day looking down on the Center building from the dormatory

Center building (the place where we eat. “Do you have a hollow leg Ben?”

“No, I have a wormhole in my stomach”)

B on a ladder

Me working with insulation (the itchy cotton candy of death! )

Ms C and H sheetrocking

Mr M (me: Mr M what do I do right here? Mr M: Do this then that.)

A sheetrocking

I guess we ran out of drills to do the sheetrocking

B with a dust mask and eye protection

okay, lets open him up. (I look like a surgeon.)