Brain Fogged

I got glutened yesterday – I saw that verbish phrase on a celiac website and it made me chuckle.  But seriously, I think it was the non-gluten-free oatmeal that got me.  From now on I’ll shell out the money for oats milled in a wheat free facility.

I’ll skip the symptoms of getting glutened.

You’re welcome.

I was trying to get back to sleep this morning by thinking of the day trips I want to take the kids on this year, and got excited that K behaves well enough to take her to China town for dim sum without too many worries of her wandering off into traffic.  Then I remembered that unless I talk to the chef/servers and make sure how each little dumpling is made, I can’t eat it.  Dan heard me sigh, I was telling him how silly I was, when he replied, “It’s OK to be sad about things, I’d be sad too.”

Dan is such a blessing to me.

So, my brain is fogged with weird sleep, and yesterday’s glutening, I need to figure out a menu, then a grocery list, get M’s homeschool in, get B to his flute lesson at 4:30, and his new swim lesson at 6:15 with dinner in the middle some where.

Seeing that in print, it’s daunting.  Maybe I’m just daunted, not glutened.

2 Replies to “Brain Fogged”

  1. When I saw your title in my reader, I thought it said ,”Brain Frogger” as if you’d been doing mental knitting. Maybe that’s not such a bad description after all. Hope you feel better soon. =) Annie