We interrupt yesterday’s panic list with new projects

Dan and I got up to the session on insurance at Financial Peace university – Oh boy, that last video montage was a tear jerker.  I’m not sure where all the papers are, though I think I know how many I’m looking for.  So this week we want to find all our insurance policies, figure out if they are the right kinds, if there is enough of them, figure out who to buy more from, put it in the budget, and put all the papers in one easy to find place for whoever is left to find after a catastrophe.

The neighbor boys who moved away are coming over at 3PM.  They don’t feel quite as casual as they used to be, so I want to vacuum before they get here and dump legos on the floor.  M and K want to make honey milk balls with them for snack.  I can’t eat those anymore because I react to the oats.  We tried making them with teff and millet flour instead of rolled oats.  Flavor was fine, texture was weird.  Oh well.

Three paragraphs always feel more done than two, but what else do I have to write about?  OK, submissions.  I’m wondering if I really want to submit to the second to last magazine this quarter of the year, even though I have a good idea of what I’d do, because it looks like it will be a LOT of work grading that idea of mine into sizes.  Maybe I’ll just write in for the call where I know what I’m doing.  The good thing about this time of year when all the magazines have submission calls out is that I’m so busy trying to meet deadlines, I don’t yet have time to fret about when I’ll hear if my sub has been accepted for publication or not.  And how to scrape my confidence up, reformat the sketch for another magazine and send it off again.