Links for families suddenly homeschooling due to Corona Virus

Annie at Learning As We Go has written several super helpful posts.  I’ve been forwarding them on Facebook, and folks with grown kids have mentioned how helpful they are, in addition to homeschooling, she’s a physician, married to anther physician.

Seven Quick Takes: Welcome, instant homeschoolers

How to help your children who are feeling a little anxious about COVID-19

How routine can be your friend right now

Cristina from Home spun Juggling has a post on Sudden Homeschooling: A Beginner’s Guide  Look through her archives, she’s a cartoonist, the ironic, joyful observations on life with children are wonderful.

Dewey’s Treehouse republished From the archives: Homeschooling with what’s on hand She’s a frugal Canadian veteran Charlotte Mason homeschooler.  In case you are wondering who is Charlotte Mason and how do I lay my hands on some poetry right now, check out Amblesideonline.

button on top of partially knit sweater
I’m up to the buttons on Matt’s sweater. I need to get my camera out and photograph people this week.

I hope that helps with the how to organize a family for learning and living on top of one another.  Here are some links from church history, because pandemics have happened before (is that comforting? I’m not sure).
The Gospel Coalition quoted C. S. Lewis, pointing out his thought on the atomic bomb work for Covid 19 too.


The church in China is ahead of us in Corona Virus experience.  We can learn from  them (and pray for them.)  Some specifics at China Partnership.