Covid Schooling at home?

I shy away from direct advice to new homeschoolers. I’m not even up on the latest proper way to make a house safe for a toddler. But I also ache to be useful to the folks insta-schooling this September because of Covid19. It turns out that compiling other people’s advice is way more comfortable.  So here goes:

Tutoring your kids at home is different in every home, and with every kid. Do you like quizzes? This might help you narrow down the options – there are an awful lot of options.  Here is Cathy Duffy’s review site.

Suddenly homeschooling? Don’t try to make it like school.

What to buy? Well, I’d actually start with a picnic kit, because getting everyone outside to a walking path will help people get sunshine and sanity. When there are places that open for field trips, picnics save money. Inventory your resources that you already have. If your library is open (or open-ish) that is a major resource.

Homeschool Resources Worth the Money

It looks like Covid Schooling will not look like homeschooling. Pod schooling looks like a whole new thing too, not like a homeschool coop. But a daily schedule for a tutored child will still not look like a school schedule. For the town a school is more efficient, but for a single child, tutoring is, because per child it takes WAY less time.

My child finished all their work. Now what?

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