Brain Dump Day

I just needed to write lists today…I used one of K’s big pieces of construction paper, so that my lists could spill sideways and make more lists.  Usually my brain dump days start at 4AM when I wake up worried, or I can’t get back to sleep after getting K back to sleep.

But the snow was so quiet, the roads so white, and there was no traffic.  Everyone slept in.  Except DH did get up to shovel out our car and my Mom’s, and the boys volunteered to go with him.

Apart from B’s flute practice, we never did get to regular homeschool today.  Of course, the day isn’t over yet and I do hope to get some work in with M, but I had to phone around for information on some field trips I’m coordinating for the LIFE group – all the snow has shut down the offices where plans are finalized, but the LIFE newsletter still has to go out soon…I hate deadlines, especially when I don’t have control over all the variables.  But I could have gotten school in, if I hadn’t been poky about my computer time.

There is a nasty voice in my head telling me that I’m lazy, that things should be so much more tidy, so much more prompt, that really I could do better than this, is this what I dreamed of when I decided to homeschool…and apparently that is my voice, the voice I use to the children, because K imitated it really well when she told me

“Momma!  Put you laundry AWAY, train need room.”

So, on to more lists, and trying to speak graciously.

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