The word of the day is “Texture”

    I took the boys to Joanne’s today to pick up curtain fabric swatches, in the hopes they can agree on a paint color.  We know they are going to hang up their IKEA dragon and rocket ship wall pockets near their bed as a night table substite, so I had them carry those around the store to see what fabrics went nicely with them (B thought that clash meant ‘goes excitingly together, like cymbols clashing’ no wonder our communications on color were so confusing!)
    B liked the curtain fabric made from silk dupoini and fake dupioni, M liked all things fuzzy.  I commented on their choices, and M wanted to know what "texture" meant.  This afternoon DH took the boys while I had an ob/gyn appointment – everything looks healthy if somewhat uncomfortable.  Braxton Hicks in the middle of the night?  Heartburn?  Sciatica?  NORMAL.  Oh well.  Actually the doctor seemed delighted when I told him how wiggly this little girl is, in fact, he had trouble getting a fix on her heartbeat with the Doplar because she was wiggling so much.  Anyway, M kept using the word texture as he talked with his Dad.  things like -Those leaves have interesting texture, Dad.  Or – I like the crackly texture of the ice on the puddle.
    Looking at the paint chips we still have up on the wall, I think we might still be able to go with a nice creamy yellow or a taupe.  Honestly, as long as the color is not too wild, and is semi-gloss, it will work.  Meanwhile, I may get to make silk curtains (manly ones) and a fuzzy chair.