Mongol Monday

    This morning by some amazing chance or providence, we got done with chores by 9AM, and school went so smoothly I got morning snack served and kids outside by 11AM.  We had time to read "Story of the World" on my bed while B looked at his blackline maps (and said wow a lot, the Mongol empire was huge) and M played burrow in the covers, and I rested by sciatica.
    After lunch, M’s story time, Mommy’s read Bible and sleep while M naps and B finishes up independent assignment time, we hauled out our library loot: Discovery Channel biography of Ghengis Khan, and an episode of "Barbarians: a millenium of terror"  We watched the Mongol episode, with lots of popcorn.  There were many scenes where B reminded M to close his eyes, no wonder the Mongols were called the Scourge of God!
    Best vingete of the video: Tamerlaine said as he lay dying in Samarkand, "Do not violate my tomb or a fate worse than me will overtake you."  No one messed with it until some Soviet archiologists in 1941.  4 Days later Hitler launched operation Barbarosa against the Soviet Union.
    I have some frozen ragu sauce in the freezer, so I’m just making pasta and veggies for supper, I’d better go get the pasta water on to boil now.