It’s TOO Morning (A quote from my nephew)

     As my nephew says, "It’s TOO Morning."  AND I have to go to the dentist today.  UGG.

    I have a molar with an unstable matrix – it’s held together with a filling.  Two days ago something chipped loose back there.  I see the dentist this afternoon.  Oddly enough that tooth doesn’t hurt right now, the other teeth that have been compensating hurt.  I wonder if there is a illustration about the church as Christ’s body here.  All hurt with the one that hurts…or when one part is out of commission, the others get tired.  Take your pick.
    DH got up 2 hours early to go to work, party to make up for coming home early later when he minds the kids for me, partly so he can get to work before the other people do so he can have some time without interruptions.
    He said goodbye to the boys in their beds before leaving – letting them sleep without a farewell is a no-no, M wakes up so indignant that he missed the goodbye that he is mournful until lunch when he does gets his Daddy fix.  But this morning, M wailed when Daddy said good-bye.  I called down the hall that he could snuggle in my bed, if he was careful of his sister.  That sort of made things better, at least M had company while he was noisily sad – but that meant that I got to hear the fuss at close range.  K didn’t rouse, she is learning to sleep through her family.  "Snuggles are nice, but I want BOTH you and Daddy to be here…at the SAME time!" M explained.
    The rain is falling peacefully.  K is still sleeping.  Her little cheeks have filled out so much  she is looking like a chipmonk.  She loves to smile and babble, sometimes interrupting nursing so she can tell me things.  My Mom says, "She’s a Girl all right!"
    B remembered that he does have homework from one of his co-op classes that he forgot in the car – so he is eating breakfast quickly , and will try to finish it before we run out the door.  If there is an assigned CD to listen to for music history, we can listen to it in the car on the way to co-op I guess.  Somehow all this last minute stuff is amusing me – my coffee must not have kicked in yet, or else, gasp!  I’m learning to be flexible and laid back?  That CAN’T BE!
    Oh well, may as well put a happy spin on things – meanwhile,
    I’d better bathe while K sleeps, then pack our PBJ.