
    Dh and the boys were walking around town doing errands Saturday morning when they decided to see what progress had been made on the new playground at Willet School.  Dh looked over the ten mile river (its more like a crick at that part) and said, "what are all those fire trucks doing at my work!"

You can read about it at our local newspaper
    Thank God no one was hurt, but all that water damage to the various businesses in the building will be annoying to deal with for everybody.

    DH took a cell phone picture and sent it to the lab manager, then the lab manager phoned  the owner of DH’s company.  As they watched the hook and ladder, and the men venting the heat on the roof, a Service Master truck rolled up to ask DH’s company’s owner if he wanted to hire him to do the clean up from smoke and water damage.  The firemen told the contractors to move their trucks out of the way.  DH asked one of the policemen what was going on.  He responded,  "I don’t know; I’m on the Blue Team, they’re on the Red team, they have their own language."  M meanwhile asked  if they could stay until the ladder truck folded up and drove away.  The guys from work were able to get into the building soon after that; to turn off equipment’ move the most valuable things out of drips, and puddles and waterfalls;  hire Service Master to hook up blowers and take out things that could mold; and share some Dunkin’ Doughnuts Coffee while they waited, DH’s Boss is always generous with food.  M did get to see the fire truck fold up its ladder.
    I knew something was up because our tap water came out rusty, but I never heard the sirens, so until the guys came home with stamps, $60 worth of quarters for laundry, library books and stories, I didn’t know what exactly was up.  K and I had a peaceful Saturday morning, they guys had an adventure.  But I’m still too sleep deprived to envy them.