So far The new MP3 Player has not made him any spacier

Note taking for someone with what would probably be diagnosed as disgraphia is annoying for all involved.  You can’t read it yourself, and you really did want to remember to pick up the whatever it was from the store.  Cursive First has helped B to have a working vocabulary about the parts of letters (tag connectors are our big nemesis, but they have a name now.)

So we took one of Susan Wise Bauer’s suggestions and got B a recorder.  But not a tape recorder, an MP3 player that will also do voice recording.  We told him to pretend he’s a spy taking notes orally, only I will also record instructions.  We also downloaded a Sons of Korah CD’s worth of songs, and some living books for the ears stories.

DH showed me how I could plug the mp3 player into an old set of computer stereo speakers so we could listen to the player in the kitchen.   This week the story of the burning of Washington (War of 1812) kept everyone awake while we made our PBJ’s and tea for lunch.

So far B is still in the same world as the rest of us, not in the world of his ear buds.  And my sister in law bought him one too, so when one gets dropped one too many times into a snow bank, we can still record notes and writing ideas on something cool.