Today is Practically a Holiday

This morning had all the trappings of Christmas morning.  B woke up early (4:30AM) DH made "thornball oatmeal," and B couldn’t eat it.  M and K woke up groggy but determined to hug everybody.  It isn’t even 9AM yet but I’m clean, dressed and have baked something sweet.  DH and B have long since packed the car with special stuff.

What’s the occasion?  Today is the F.I.R.S.T. LEGO LEAGUE Tournament in RI at Roger Williams University. 

Several team mates are sick.  The family with the most reliable lap top has a boy with croup, possibly pneumonia.  But B’s speech is polished, might possibly be delivered in the 5 minutes allotted, and the robot can do some of the challenges.

My Mom will be driving me and the other  kids down to RI at 10:00, K just finally finished complaining about lying down, so I think she’s napping.  M has been watching Curious George cartoons from the library since breakfast, he learned how to navigate the DVD with the remote today.

We will all probably eat a boughten supper tonight, although, as my Aunt and Uncle are staying at my Mom’s house, so she might have us over for supper too in the general spirit of hospitality.  Take out or leftovers otherwise!  Well, maybe I have time to put some pizza dough in the fridge to rise slowly…that is the frugal way…we’ll see.