Two questions for the homeschooling Blogasphere:

1: How do you do baby girl’s hair? K almost has enough to fall into her eyes, she snatches off hats, will she pull out her hair when it’s time for barettes?

2: How do you find time to read to your older kids without scaring your little kids or letting the big kids stay up too late?  We finally finished the Hound of the Baskervilles with B, but I started it last Fall!

One Reply to “Two questions for the homeschooling Blogasphere:”

  1. 1. Well, my littlest is 3. I cut her bangs a couple of years ago, and her sister just tried to give her a haircut. :( I'll be posting pictures of that on my blog later this week.

    2. We have two story times at night. My oldest is 11 and his little sisters are 5 and 3. I read with the girls then tuck them into bed. Then Bug gets his turn. It works well, but does make getting the kids to bed a true "Children's Hour."

    I've enjoyed my visit here! I'll be back.

    Peace to you,
