You can’t go wrong with Carnivores

Last night My Mom and I picked up paint chips and fabric swatches for the coming study/living room switch.  She had some fabric to cut with a long line (teal flowered Easter skirt), so I ambled over to the scrapbooking section to gaze at the stamps.  I did not buy (but really really wanted) a set of acrylic mounted bird outlines, with flowers in the silhouette, I’ve already picked out some stampin’ Up! stuff for this next two month’s fun money budget though so I left the birds there.  Hoping mom would talk me into being bad, I described them to her, forgetting the flowers.  "Well, that does sound manly.  You are always wondering if you can use things on the boy’s pages or not, or sending a card to the guys in your family." She said.  I have 5 brothers in law, so making manly cards is a big deal.

I was relaying all this to DH last night, when he made me laugh again by saying, "Hawks, eagles, lions, bears… they’d make manly cards, basically, you can’t go wrong with carnivores."

After looking at the chips and swatches, we are going to paint the walls Laura Ashley sage green, and the curtains will be a golden wheat color, with a faint check pattern.  They go nicely with our wild, colorful futon cushion, and the bedding we cover it with when folks stay overnight.  I’ll load the pictures tomorrow, I’m sleepy!