There really is a floor in the workroom!

B let me post this picture because my desk is messier than his.  The green linens are old napkins and applicayed place mats.  I’m going to use them in the new sage living room on an empty shelf as a place for people sitting on the futon to rest cups.  K likes to play dress up with them too though, so they will probably wander through the house, she is at coffee cup height.  (She also likes sips of coffee too, particularly Daddy’s cup, who takes sugar with his)

These photos were taken from the chair of the computer desk by the window.
The little bookshelf that used to hold scrapbooking things is now in the kitchen with homeschooling reference books on it.  Has anyone seen my copy of Drawing in the Right Side of the Brain?  Its gone missing since those books were in a closet.

But all the other books in the house are now on shelves!

Thanks to K who gave us his beautiful shelves when he moved away!