Planning Meeting Last Night

We had over 14 folks show up, plus 2 "attending," by cell phone (and they were offering to teach classes!) My lap top monitor quit in the middle of entering data (it does that sometimes) but T’s lap top was up and running, and it served as backup, until I crashed the data base.  Our soon-to-be-college-student-computer-consultant is working on it this morning.  Even so, everyone was so pleasant to work with, eager to help out where ever they were needed, and full of good ideas.  It’s a joy to work with such gracious people.

C stood at the white board, and kept notes, so we had a hard copy record of our conversations, and this morning when I could get back on the data base, most of the info was still there.  The ladies kept track of which hour a class ran, if it should be slotted for the  first or second hour (can you imagine trying to teach public speaking in a classroom after the kids had done rocketry in the back field?  Me neither, so rocketry will be during the second hour so no one has to compete.) The ladies even noticed if anyone had volunteered for two simultaneous jobs, or if an age group were lacking.   I used to use a pocket chart to keep us organized, then tried to use the computer.   I think I’ll ask C to stand at the whiteboard next time and enter the data on computer later – as long as she doesn’t get a broken arm or anything.

Most of the classes we are running are in the category of "Things I’ve always wanted to teach," AND "Stuff my homeschool needs, would someone please teach it."  WOW!  I’m thrilled.  It doesn’t get any more win/win than that! We have a great line up including Mr M teaching rocketry in the back field – and he’s a real air traffic controller!  Does it get any cooler than that if you are a 10 year?  (Particularly a 10 year old boy?)