OK, She won’t Sleep, Lets go to the Zoo, the Sun is Shining

On Thursday, K took a long nap in the morning.  I got lots of school in with the boys, but in the afternoon when I was dragging, K was bushy-tail-ed.  This was an occasion for the DVD player.  M and B watched her while they laughed at veggie tales.  I napped until the timer went off, made myself some coffee, slathered them with sun block (what’s this stuff mom? they hadn’t needed it in a month or so)

M wanted to see all the animals,The nocturnal bintorong was awake.  K wanted to dance in the pavilion.
Some ‘big girls’ all of 5 years old were dancing on the benches.  K decided that the benches must be where to dance and climbed up too.

Then we played on the play ground until they had done "One More Exciting Thing."
M was too thirsty to stay much longer.  Little juice boxes don’t quite last as long as big water bottles.  Its been so long since it’s been hot I’ve forgotten that fact of playground camping!
M did revive when we passed the overgrown yew bush (it’s a short tree now).
This looks like brotherly love to me, but the guys assured me that they were really experimenting to see if leaning on each other made it easier to walk home in the heat when they were thirsty.
  Well, on the mutual assistance theme, I sure appreciated their help earlier in the day with K!