Fruitful Digressions

Jimmie and Sprite made Platonic Solids this week. They were a mobile until the cats got at them – the fate of all mobiles of cat owners?  Ours gather dust but I still leave them there –  same decorating phenomena as my kitchen curtains.  I wonder if I would decorate diligently if my landlord allowed pets?

Do you sometimes spend a week on one lesson’s improvisations?  Do you enjoy it?  Does it frustrate your sense of linearity?  How about your kids, are they linear?  Do math lessons in particular take side roads?  Mine do more than other subjects.

I was thinking this year that the only tasks that got done smoothly in B’s homeschool were the ones on his check off chart.  So I was thinking that I need to add such things as "20 lessons from the art book" or "write 10 e-mails to your friend in Arizona."  He thought that was a good idea, I asked how we would handle changes, if something fantastic came up, he suggested a 2 week heads up time to get used to the idea!

K just wants the world to know that she does not plan on sleeping again, ever.  It is a waste of precious time.  It doesn’t matter what books Mommy reads from the library, even if the ideas in them work deceptively for a week or two.

My girl may get me to give up coffee.   (She isn’t weaned all the way)

M just wants to know when he gets to play with his new school books (when I finish last year’s paperwork and my foot works…)

My boys are going to get me organized I guess.

One Reply to “Fruitful Digressions”

  1. Glad to know you understand about cats. :-)

    I always though math was extremely linear. Boy, was I wrong! It's messy, but so much more fun when approached in a non-linear (living) way.