So Far, So Good

Yesterday everyone was CRANKY, hot and wet.  I asked the deaconess who had volunteered to help me to wait a few days, because her husband had had a stomach virus, and after last February, we really want to avoid that!  I had the blues last night, DH suggested that we shop for school stuff at Staples as a family outing, but K melted down after dinner, so I drove myself there!  After all, I only use my right foot for driving, and I haven’t taken hydrocodon in a week and a half.

You know, you walk a lot at Staples and Target?  I think I’d chalk that up as, good for morale, bad for the foot.  It’s a bit sore this morning, but my heart is lighter.  I got to see other people’s sun flowers as I drove past, and the sunset.  I bought two binders to hold the boy’s homeschool portfolios from this year, and some printer ink to print out my observations of them.  Their portfolio pages are a little sparse this year, I’ll have to mine the blog for funny incidents to cut and paste, the actual portfolio if just boring things like, "B’s handwriting has improved, but he can now find the homekeys on the keyboard, and type t as well, so it may not matter as much…"

In August, the "get the portfolio done, get the Letter of Intent written, get the school books ordered, figure out a daily schedule, organize co-op…" beats in my head like a drum (or a drill sargent) Somehow telling myself that I’ve done this 6 times before with reasonable success and very few spelling mistakes did not make me feel better.

But shopping did ;-) Thanks DH!

Well, this morning was great!  I announced at breakfast that I had 3 goals: play a round of The Way Things Work game level 2, read a chapter of The Story of the World, and work on, "the great wall of laundry."

K took a nap (sorta-kinda, she played quietly in her crib for half an hour) I read the chapter to M and B as B did the breakfast dishes, we played our game with K trying to grap pieces off the table (M won), until we spilled the pattern blocks for her to play with. B is sorting laundry in his room while listening to "Ink Spell," on a book on CD from the library, and M is watching "Scooby Doo II." in the livingroom.  K is wandering through the house, but the doors to the bathroom and boy’s room should be closed, B caught her climbing up his bunk bed ladder today!

There is a reason we call her scary k!

The great wall of laundry is getting put away in drawers, but the pattern blocks are still disperced throughout the house.

One Reply to “So Far, So Good”

  1. It's funny– I always tell people to be sure to take their pain m*ds if they're going to resume normal activity… and no one ever does. (And they're ALWAYS sorry!)

    I have the same drum of things-to-do beating in my head. Lists everywhere.
