Bedtime Schedule

Today is my wedding Anniversary!  DH had a cute card, and a cup of coffee for me when I woke up, and has pre-ordered the TV series on DVD of the First Ladies’ Detective Agency. A lady from church offered to baby sit tonight, so we can go out for dinner, and bum around Border’s Books tonight.

So, she needs the schedule written out, and as long as I’m writing, I may as well do it here, so I can look at it in a year of two and feel nostalgic or something.

6-6:30ish eat dinner (take out pizza tonight)

7PM begin K’s bath while the boys tidy up theoretically, more likely play video games, board games, read a loud or build stuff out  of blocks. Wait, this is instructions not true confessions: tell them to tidy up the kitchen.

7:15 dress K in jammies, read her stories, give her some milk in a sippy cup and hope for the best tonight, she usually nurses, gather the boys to sing her "Jesus Loves Me," and the doxology, kiss her good night, load up her crib with sturdy board books and stuffed animals, harden your heart, walk away, and she should only cry for 15 min.  But then again, it can go on forever too…

7:30 start M in his bath, B still doing his own thing.

8:00 get M dried off and dressed (he still needs some help) give him 2 teaspoons of tylenol for his cold aches before he brushes his teeth.
See if B needs to take a shower and remind him not to zone out too much in there.

8:30 start reading them the next chapter of "Peter Duck" B will read a psalm, pray with them.  B may have lights on in his bed until 9:00.  At this point they both become hungry and thirsty, they can have some toast and milk.  If they get hungry and thirsty conventiently, they can snack in the kitchen while they hear their chapter of "Peter Duck," but I do let them snack in bed, and try to have them brush their teeth again before lights out.  Oops, I fell into true confessions again, ask them if they are hungry at a convenient time for you.

We are supposed to get home around 8:30, so hopefully I’ll get to find out what happens when they go ashore on Crab Island, and the deaconess will get to go home and relax a bit before her bedtime.

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