So, how do I know if it was a good day?

At the moment, I’m pretty cranky.  Tthe kids are watching a video (Oh the shame) dinner is in the oven, the dishes are in the dishwasher and it’s running, the bags are unpacked, but I feel decidedly rumpled.  All the kids are sick – sore throats, productive coughs, fever.  That means that B can’t watch K for me, and M and K didn’t run around outside today.  Add in Halloween candy – and M can’t follow directions and remember not to pounce on his brother (who is sick, grumpy and beginning to act like a preteen who wants space.)  So, they got underfoot today, but were not so good at helping, or amusing themselves, or getting along with each other.

This day was hard.  No nap for Mommy, K fell asleep before lunch, and woke up just as I’d finished reading the Bible to myself.

I did get to answer e-mails, listen to the Circe Foundation mp3 recordings I’d downloaded, and begin to make samples for the Christmas Crafting Fair – but right now I’m so crinkled that if I were wrapping paper I wouldn’t use me.

You know what those lectures were about?  Getting your kids outside, including beauty in your homeschool, and not using a to-do list as a rubric for your success, seeing how far your students and yourself have become Wise and Godly as a rubric (though teaching them to take standardized tests too so they don’t get really nervous about them.)

So, today I did chores, tried to stop quarrels, encourage my kids to play kindly – yelled a lot – and did unpack things.  If it was hard, was it good?  If it was necessary to have a check off list, was it un-spiritual?  Were they talking about different things and I’m conflating the issues because I’m tired and feel bad about scolding?

Yeah, probably.

One Reply to “So, how do I know if it was a good day?”

  1. I struggle with the same thing. Oy. It goes back to the verse that says, Lord, help us number our days aright– and I keep trying to number my days my own way!

