The Three Sillies, Christmas Edition

I took the kids Christmas shopping yesterday, we give them each $5 per close relative and let them choose the gift. Sometimes they co-operate together so they can give something that costs $10.

Knowing (hoping?) that they would do so for me, I gave them the money for me in cash, so I wouldn’t have to pay for it with my eyes closed.

 I don’t know why I didn’t suggest that they ask a saleslady for help, but when they asked me to close my eyes and reach down my present with their directions, I stood on the little shelf at the bottom of the Micheal’s display and obediently reached "right, no the other right, over, up, forward, grab"   We called me the blind crane. 

So I’m fairly sure I’m getting a cuttlebug or sizzlit die, but I’m not sure which one.  I also know they had money left over because they gave me a chocolate square, and had change for the Salvation Army Bell ringer.  They love the bell ringers, I’m so glad.  It’s an easy way for them to be charitable at Christmas, plus they get to fit things into the kettle themselves.

D says he’d have paid money to see us do that, we sound like the Three Sillies from the folk tale.