Dispatch from “Testing”

I’m standing at a counter in the narthex of Good News Chapel in Attleboro, the plate glass beneath the laptop covers World Vision pamphlets, there are crock pots and coolers in the corner of the room where families have brought supper for the proctor’s families. My friends D and "Elmer" L organized a testing co-op again this year, arranging for us to rent out this church building (and gym!) I really admire their efforts in making what could be a scary, stressful time into a reunion/holiday. My friend J, the brilliant soon to be college student just came back to mentor me on using websitebaker to spiff up the Eagle’s Wings Co-op website: we have stories from students and teachers to upload, and lots of photos of the past 6 years.

I’ve already given him my one bit of advise: do not complain to your classmates about how easy the work is compared to your Folk’s homeschool.  No matter how true it is, it will alienate your potential friends, and college work has a way of getting harder real quick!

The younger siblings of students taking the Stanford Achievement Test are playing in the gym, the older kids are at the other end of the Christian Ed wing of this church, with their number two pencils and rulers.

K is sleeping in her stroller.

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