I’m so Glad Tomorrow is Sunday – I’m tired!

Testing was fun: I chatted with lots of homeschooling Moms while B did battle with number 2 pencils, and blew off steam in the gym.  The only problem is that I forgot to hire a maid.  Apparently, if we aren’t at home, we don’t get our chores done ;-)

This morning My Mom, K and I went to a lovely ladies’ breakfast at church, and heard the testimony of the lady who has taught all of my kids their elementary Sunday School.  She illustrated the fragrance of Christ (or other wise) with potted lily of the valley, and a rotten banana.

This afternoon we all got to go to a birthday party for one of the Lego Guys: Happy 10th Qu!  It was fun to see everyone’s teeth glowing under the black light in the lazer tag.  All those years of target practice with my Dad didn’t help my score though: M’s was higher than mine!

I have found the camera, and it does have batteries, so I need to take (and get up the photos) of our new "guest den."  Since our last name is Guest, and the living room will be for guests to sleep in, the name fits, we’ll see if it sticks.  DH has been slinging furniture like Hercules, a little bit at a time.  The sage green walls and espresso bookshelves are sort of mint chocolate chip in effect; the bookshelves just happen to be the same height as the top of the window and closet doors, so it has a very peaceful horizontal feel to it, I’m so pleased and thankful.

 I just got my Mother’s day card for my Mom finished, so it will be a quick entry edit, then off to bed via tooth brushing, good night!