
Despite my goal of kitchen table school everyday this week: the books on Archimedes are going to be due back at the library soon, and I really wanted the boys to play with the Platonic and Archimedian solids, like I planned to a while back.

So while B read aloud from Archimedes by Keating, Susan, I printed the Platonic solids, cut them out, scored them, and had the boys glue them up.  Some are easier than others, especially when little sister wants to help.

Even the squished ones lasted long enough to count faces, verticies and edges, then plunk them into the f+v-e formula for the wow effect.  I pulled out our pattern blocks and foam shapes to show why a hexagon and octagon would not be able to form a Platonic solid.  Then we went for our walk. The room got really messy, as i kept pulling out more and more manipulatives to allow K to be ‘included.’ but I felt wonderful not to let the moment pass when we were already interested in it.

We watched Donald in Mathmagic land yesterday, and the Story of 1.  So this video clip, Nature by the Numbers really fit in. soothing music too!