Not sure why I haven’t been blogging lately

I do have good photos,

The kids have been saying funny things,

I have been reading and thinking,

We are trucking along with homeschool.

I do have a skirt cut out to sew.

I’m 1/2 done with the first color stranded mitten for B’s old Wednesday night teacher (so 1/4 done with the whole project)

I’m 5/8 done with the samples to photograph for the mittens-for-money

I’ve downloaded a screen alert program so I can set a timer for laundry and write myself timed reminders – theoretically that will stop me from reading too many blogs when I should be washing dishes or prepping homeschool, and I thank myself in my reminder notes for doing thankless chores, which, for some reason, makes me feel appreciated, even though I know that I wrote the note in the first place.

Maybe I’m tired. Maybe I’m focused on other things. Maybe I haven’t been checking Google analytics so my competitive spirit is not propelling me to keep blogging so the graph doesn’t dip.

I slightly wonder if my blogging has dipped in March before – but I’m not planning on checking it right now – I’m too lethargic.


2 Replies to “Not sure why I haven’t been blogging lately”

  1. Grace, grace, grace… Let there be grace upon you. Maybe there are some deep thoughts you’re supposed to be having instead of the ones you’re able to share here? Just a question.