{p,f,h,r}Library Butterfly

round button chicken
The guys were on a quest to fix the church’s coffee pot.  It involved ordering parts from the internet and going to the store for wrenches (they checked Grandma’s basement first.)  M thought the exploded diagram of the valves was as cool as a Lego instruction manual.

K uncharacteristically wanted to stay home with me.  I ran through the Saturday chores that she could help me with  – or at least not un-clean quickly, then we walked to the Library, balancing on the fun curb, of course (the landscaping doesn’t really fall away into a death defying drop, it’s my camera angle.)

It was such a warm day I let her wear her Spring coat.  Last Fall I had to hide it in the back closet, it’s just not warm enough for Winter.  It isn’t really a coat at all, it’s a hand me down costume.

The ladies at the Circulation Desk have been teasing K that when her pretty wings come back, they will know it’s Springtime.

K has been anticipating her circulation lady’s joy, “Her will be so happy when her sees me!”  My Mom tells me that her ESL students have trouble with pronouns too.

Funny, when I had my camera, K’s Circulation Desk Lady wasn’t there.  When we returned, and she was on duty, I forgot my camera.  But her reaction later that afternoon was lovely.

K explored the overgrown rhododendrons by the front library steps on the way home.

And this was blooming by the South facing stone wall.

4 Replies to “{p,f,h,r}Library Butterfly”

  1. I LOVE the wings! What a wonderful sign of spring :) I bet there were many smiles for the butterfly on her walk, I think I’ll be smiling all afternoon.