Oh that’s why it’s taking so long…

I often scold myself for taking so long to finish goals – why is this taking so long?  Last week I rebelled, and actually answered the question. Why was the mitten project taking so long to write?

Detail’s aren’t as much ‘fun’ as drawing a sketch.

It’s harder for me to write instructions than it is to make a graph (how easy my life will be when DH finishes my program for me ;-)

Making instructions to two hands and 5 sizes is actually writing 10 times as  many instructions as one custom pattern in the sloppy fashion I’d do for myself.

When I make patterns for myself, I don’t write them out fully, I annotate the schematic, or make a big chart.  I also flout the usual order of things, and write the first instructions on the bottom of the page, next instruction in the middle, and finishing on top – because that’s usually how I knit.  If I’m knitting top down, I mark up the page that way.  So the mitten project is probably more than 10 times the work.

This week I finished writing the 1st draft of the instructions for the Ex Large sized ivy leaf motif for my mittens.  I still have the whole mitten to compile, but I had a good start on it last night.

It’s nice to find out that my assumptions in my self scoldings were false.

I wonder, when I’m frustrated with the children’s progress, if a similar situation is unfolding.  If God cares as much about how we do things, who we are and why we do things as he does with what we do, and how we treat those in our care…

Yeah, I have some repenting to do.